One morning, a couple of years ago, I was getting my twin boys ready to go to nursery and the older twin who is a whopping three minutes older than his brother was a little bit on the grumpy side.
He hadn’t slept through the night and woke me up a couple of times. So he wasn’t in a particularly great mood and to be honest… neither was I.
After going through the normal morning rigmarole, eventually we’re in the car outside the nursery, and I opened the door to get him out of his baby seat and Owais takes a really big yawn where I could practically see his tonsils… then he looked up at me and he said…
And then instantly smiled and laughed and completely perked up for the whole of the rest of the day. He practically leapt out of his baby seat, put on his cute little “Thomas the Tank Engine” school bag and marched happily into his nursery.
And even at the end of the day, a few hours later, he came home totally happy.
It was as if little zen master Owais had discovered one of the great secrets to living the good life and that is…
Tiredness and grumpiness are nothing more than a state of mind.
Now, obviously, I’m not talking about the physical aspects of tiredness… but there is an enormous mental and psychological aspect to tiredness and grumpiness.
And if a two year old can learn that he doesn’t have to stay grumpy and tired all day, but can actually snap out of it without even needing a cup of coffee or any physically addictive substance like sugar… and without any snacks or treats at all, then you and I can probably learn to do the same thing too.
If you want the most comprehensive training on how to snap out of any negativity and upset emotions, then you’re in for a treat.
Because right now I’m offering a huge discount on my best coaching program called “The Spiritual Switch”, which does all that and more.
To check out the details, secure your place on the programme and declare that today tiredness and grumpiness are officially “FINISHED!”… then go here: