I got the best email ever from Starbucks. If your images are turned ‘on’, here’s the screenshot:
If you ever attended any of my live events pre-2023, you can almost always see me holding on to a cup of Starbucks coffee for dear life, as I coached my heart out.
Not any more.
After the Jean-O-Side, I’m out of the Starbucks supply chain altogether.
These days, instead of £4 a day supporting death, I get a street vendor here in Marrakech to give me a pure hit of Americano for about £0.40p.
The result?
I’ve lost my Starbucks Gold status.
Boo. Hoo.
I hope they officially count this in their system as ‘loyal member lost due to supporting illegal occupation of Palestinian land’.
On the plus side, I like that they count me as a “GREEN” member.
Because when it comes to politics, I officially, 100% support the Green Party, especially with Dr. Jill Stein & Dr. Butch Ware in the US.
Why? Because they’re the ONLY party that can’t be bought (they literally, on principle, don’t accept donations from super-Pacs, wall street, multi-national corporations, or heaven forbid, AIPAC.)
As a result, all of their policies are remarkable… sensible.
It’s like what actual humans would do if they were in power.
If you think about it, this is the only party anyone who truly believes in democracy should vote for. Every other party is officially corrupted by the millions they accept in ‘donations’ from corporate powers and foreign governments that make demands on how the politicians vote.
Anyway, not sure how this relates to my coaching services.
Other than the fact that you can be assured that 0% of the money you invest in working with me will ever go to harming innocent people around the world.
Oh, and it’ll probably be good for your mindset, marriage and connection with Allah, too.
Here’s where to get started working with me for less than a month’s worth of Starbucks Lattes: