The Psychological Switch
What is the Psychological Switch?
The Psychological Switch is a simple, profound understanding of how the mind works, and forms the basis of all the transformational work I do as a coach, which has resulted in thousands of client success stories. The following is a concise explanation of this new paradigm of change-work.
The Psychological Switch occurs the moment you insightfully realise that your mind always works in only one way: 100% of your life is experienced through THOUGHT in the moment.
If that sounds nice, but you’re wondering how or why that fact would change your life, keep reading…
All of your felt experience of life, in this very moment, is coming from thought.
The reality that feeling is always coming from thought in the moment, is what we call the “Psychological Reality”, because this is how the mind works, in truth. When you’re aware of this truth, you are ‘switched on’ or 'in the light'.
The illusion that something other than thought in the moment might be the source of your feelings/ experience is what we call the “Psychological Illusion”, because the mind simply does not work that way. When you fall for this illusion, you are ’switched off’ or 'in the dark' about the truth of how your mind is working.
The moment of inner-realisation, when it insightfully occurs to you that reality actually does work this way - that feeling is actually always coming from thought in the moment - is what we call the "The Psychological Switch".
If it appears to you as though any measure less than 100% of your life is experienced through thought, you’re “switched off" and you instantly, inevitably experience some measure of insecurity, fear, neediness, and other forms of psychological trouble. (This ‘trouble’, of course, is also coming from thought in the moment, but you may not insightfully realise this yet).
If you realise that, no matter what situation you’re in, or what circumstances are occurring, 100% of your experience is coming from thought in the moment, you’re “switched on” and can handle whatever life throws at you. When you’re “switched on” you begin to experience endless levels of resilience, gratitude, love, forgiveness, and presence. Deeper and more profound feelings emerge, and you're naturally lead into higher levels of consciousness.
Here’s why so many people’s lives have changed from this realisation:
Psychologically speaking, the problem you face is not your mortgage, your marriage, or divorce. It’s not your finances, your health or your love-life. It’s not your childhood, your parents, or even your past experiences (no matter how traumatic they may have been). We assert that, psychologically, you only have one problem: the illusion that any of those circumstances or past experiences has the power to cause your current moment thinking/feeling.
The truth is that there are virtually infinite ways of thinking (and hence feeling) about those circumstances.
We’re not saying that you need to ‘change your thinking’ from negative to positive. We’re just pointing out the fact that you are able to, even if your circumstances and past don’t change. Because this is an actual fact of psychology - a dependable, constant law - you can rely on it to guide you through life.
This is great news! It means you don’t necessarily need to change all of your life’s circumstances and past in order for your thinking and feeling to change. There are many, many more life-changing implications of the Psychological Reality. To explore it in more depth, listen in to our podcast and sign up for The Switch Masterclass below.
“You’re Only Ever One Thought Away From Total Transformation.”
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