I have full confidence that Indiana Jones himself, the character played by the legendary Harrison Ford, would definitely search for, find and flip “The Spiritual Switch”.
Here’s why…
Did you ever see the absolutely brilliant movie, “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”? It’s the one where Indiana’s father, played by the late great Sir Sean Connery, joined Indi on an adventure to find the Holy Grail.
Towards the end of the movie (and yes, you’re about to get a spoiler – we’re about 30 years too late to complain about that), Indiana finds himself in a cave which contains the Holy Grail. The legend goes that when one drinks holy water from the Holy Grail (which is a cup of some kind), they find eternal life.
When Indiana eventually gets to the hidden cave, he looks around this room, which is full of cups that could be the Holy Grail. And in the scene, to make things more intense, there’s a bad guy with him who is dying and outside of the room his father is also dying.
As they look around the room – full of the most precious ancient goblets and cups made of gold with jewels and diamonds – the bad guy picks the most fancy looking of them all – the cup with the most diamonds and jewels and made of the most precious gold and drinks the holy water from it.
And of course, he perishes and turns to dust.
Yikes! Wrong move.
Indiana doesn’t give up hope. Instead he looks around and he finds the oldest, plainest looking cup, which is made of simple wood and has nothing fancy about it. He chooses that cup, picks it up, fills it with water.
And it turns out he made the right selection. That was the Holy Grail. He gives it to his father and everybody lives happily ever after.
What’s this got to do with “The Spiritual Switch”…?
Well, the Spiritual Switch is exactly like that plain looking cup.
And everything else in the ‘pop psychology’, personal development and self-help world are a lot like the other fancy-looking goblets.
The Spiritual Switch is based on a simple understanding of how the mind works.
There’s nothing ‘fancy’ about it.
It’s not a ninja-jedi-mind-trick.
It’s based on the plain psychological fact that feeling always comes from thought in the moment (even when it doesn’t seem to).
And yet, you could take all the fancy techniques, fire-walks, meditations, visualisations and energy healing methods in the world, but if you take them all too seriously, your innate wellbeing might perish.
If on the other hand, you take this plain-seeming fact seriously… you’ll have found the ‘Holy Grail’ of human psychology.
If you’re ready for one heck of an adventure, grab your whip, put on your hat and brown leather jacket, and fly across the world, to discover for yourself what’s on the other side of this link: