If you’ve ever been in love, you’ll know that it can feel pretty amazing…
You meet someone awesome, and every time you’re around them you feel great. So naturally you want to spend more time around them…because they make you feel amazing!
And then you get married.
And sometimes they can still make you feel pretty great…but then other times they can really, really annoy you.
They make you mad, sad, frustrated, angry…you name it.
And this emotional rollercoaster can continue for a few years, until one day you realise something…
You’re no longer happy.
Your partner doesn’t make you happy anymore.
And before you can say, “Psychological Illusion”, you’re signing divorce papers.
And this is what love and marriage look like when you’re switched off from the Psychological Reality.
Where it looks like your ex-spouse had all this power to make you feel wonderful one minute…and then awful the next.
And if we believe this to be true, then we can very easily re-marry and experience the same thing all over again.
In the following short, but powerful video training, you’ll discover how living in the Psychological Illusion – that other people have the power to cause your feelings – breaks up marriages time and time again.
And more importantly, you’ll learn how to see through it so that you can avoid falling into this same trap.
Here’s what else you’ll discover:
- The common expressions we innocently use on a daily basis that reinforce the myth that another person has the power to cause our emotions
- The dangers of mis-assigning our feelings (whether good, bad, or ugly) to our partner and how relationships suffer as a consequence
- The tell-tale signs that show we clearly aren’t seeing the truth of how our experience of life is being created and that we’re looking in the wrong direction for the cause of our state of mind
- Why the most “sensible” reason many couples file for divorce just doesn’t make any sense at all when we insightfully understand the real relationship between the way we feel and our marital status
- And much, much more …