In The Moment With Mamoon
Listen in and discover how ‘The Psychological Switch’ has changed thousands of lives
Season 4 Available Now
Presence and mindfulness are more than just ‘nice ideas’. They’re the essence of the spiritual path and the key to the inner-peace and psychological ease and wellbeing we’ve all been searching for. However, most of us struggle to be ‘present’ for more than just a few minutes at a time.
This podcast introduces you to ‘The Psychological Switch’ - a new paradigm of personal development and inner change-work that offers hope, and the promise of lasting transformation, to anyone who has been seeking the benefits of mindfulness, CBT, NLP, emotional release techniques and other forms of self-help.
The Psychological Switch leads us to naturally develop more presence and a deeper level of presence, along with many of the virtues we all wish to see in ourselves and others. Instead of trying to ‘force’ our minds to be present, this approach leads us to eliminate the source of the noise, clutter and insecurity that distracts the mind from its natural state of presence.
This leads us into more clarity, confidence and psychological freedom than we’ve ever known. This changed my life beyond imagination. My hope is that The Psychological Switch - based on the teachings of Sydney Banks - will have a similar, or even deeper impact on you.
Grab your headphones and

Can your life be transformed in just one moment…?

If your wife’s been acting a little strange and moody today, it’s because… You forgot! Today is “Yawm al Hubb”, as my wife likes to call it, ie Valentine’s Day. Now there are a lot of people in the world who will try to convince …
I have full confidence that Indiana Jones himself, the character played by the legendary Harrison Ford, would definitely search for, find and flip “The Spiritual Switch”. Here’s why… Did you ever see the absolutely brilliant movie, “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”? It’s the one …
A question came in the other day, from a client who scheduled in a “Personal Breakthrough Session” with me and they were a little bit perturbed.They were going through my online programs like “The Psychological Switch” and “Meet and Marry the One”, but there was …
True story. A few years ago, I was generously gifted a free ticket to a Tony Robbins “Unleash the Power Within” event. And it was a delightful experience. I went to the event a couple of years after discovering “The Spiritual Switch” (aka. The Psychological …
One morning, a couple of years ago, I was getting my twin boys ready to go to nursery and the older twin who is a whopping three minutes older than his brother was a little bit on the grumpy side. He hadn’t slept through the …
I once had a female client who was quite frustrated, because after going through the “Meet Him and Marry Him” program, she would end up meeting great guys… but sometimes the guys just didn’t know how to interact in any kind of attractive way. There …
The other day, Rachida and I were having a chat about our goals for 2025. We were talking about our intentions, the kind of energy and experiences we want to share together. By the grace of God, we’re in a wonderful phase of life where …
Want to know one of the main reasons why I love doing Jiu Jitsu and how I have the discipline to train daily? It’s not because of the mind-body connection. It’s not because it’s the “gentle art”. It’s not because I have some kind of …
Exactly one week ago was “Blue Monday”. This is statistically supposed to be the most depressing day of the year, for a number of reasons… Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify …
We’ve all heard about the importance of willpower and discipline when it comes to achieving our goals. But what very few people talk about is the importance of “Allah will” power. One of the biggest mistakes people make is they set big, audacious, hairy, scary …
Back when I was a single, lonely, divorced bloke I went through a phase of not seeing anyone or considering anyone, which lasted about 9 months. Then I had a life-altering insight that I wrote about in the book, “Inside the Soul of Islam”. And …
Back in 2010, I had just started my coaching business and was taking every coach training course I could get my hands on. One of them was to become a certified relationship coach. Which, I’ll admit, was a little ironic given how my marriage was …
During the last year of my first marriage, right before it crashed and burned in divorce, I was online searching for answers to the marriage problems I was having. I started with trying to learn the Islamic laws of marriage. It turns out that improves …
True story: Once upon a time a couple goes to a very wise marriage therapist and starts spilling the beans on how terrible their marriage is. It starts with the husband. The more he talks about his wife and everything she’s doing wrong, the more …
“Always be skeptical of anyone who claims to be an ‘expert’ on relationships. Chances are, someone in their family strongly disagrees.” – Anon Even the best advice from the best so-called ‘experts’ on relationships will likely backfire when you try and apply it… Listen on …
A few days into Ramadan in 2017, I sat in the Sheikh’s living room after bringing him home from the airport. He had just returned from Umrah, which he had to cut short due to a death in the family. In the taxi home, he …
The quality of your marriage, and your life, is directly proportional to the depth of your spiritual presence. There’s no mystery behind the fact that the Prophet (peace & blessings upon him) was the most spiritually elevated human being and was, as a result, the …
Let’s be honest: Santa Claus has a pretty tough gig. He’s running a global operation, managing elves, navigating tight deadlines, and let’s not forget the intense pressure of being judged by millions of kids every single year. Naughty or nice? That’s a lot of responsibility …
When it comes to relationships, if there’s one thing I hate to see people suffer with… it’s LIMBO. Where things don’t seem too bad to change, but you’re nowhere near the dream of where you want to be. So instead of staying stuck in Limbo, …
Let’s be honest: every marriage faces challenges. But sometimes, we can get so caught up in the day-to-day drama of misunderstandings, arguments, or unmet expectations, that we end up missing the bigger picture. The question is: Is your marriage passing the “bare minimum” test? Listen …
The last couple of weeks I’ve been going around Marrakech with a pair of orange tinted glasses that Rachida gave me. And as I walked around seeing palm trees and beautiful scenery with these tinted glasses, it reminded me of the great Tony Stark.It got …
There’s a major downside to all the spiritual insights & relationship strategies I teach: they KILL drama. And let’s face it: sometimes people get a real kick out of drama. The highs when you win a point and the lows when you’re mad or upset …
Sarah was on her way to one of my live events, mentally rehearsing how she’d tell her husband she wanted a divorce. Years of resentment had piled up. Every argument left her feeling more defeated. Even small conflicts spiralled into days of tension and silence. …
One of the most common mistakes I see in marriages is trying to fix your partner’s (seemingly countless) flaws. And one of the most common objections to me pointing this out is that the person I’m coaching will say: “Oh no, but you don’t understand, …
What I’m about to share with you is not the be-all and end-all of marriage challenges and conflicts… but it does work fast and remarkably well. If you want to have a long-term, successful marriage where you and your partner both get what you want, …
I recently came across an interesting definition of the word ‘love’, in the context of a loving relationship: “The capacity to feel the full spectrum of human emotion in service of being present in this current moment (the only place you can actually be with …