How To Apply For
A 1-to-1 “Sparring Session”
 With A Black Belt Level
Certified Switch Coach

Dear Friend,

If you want the fastest, most effective way to raise your level of consciousness, make rapid progress on your goals, overcome the challenges that have been slowing you down, and finally make major lasting changes in your life, then it’s time you speak with a professional Certified Switch Coach.

Over the last decade, my team and I have coached thousands of clients to make major breakthroughs in their personal and professional lives thanks to a coaching process I’ve developed called, “Switch Coaching”.

It’s based on the truth of how the mind works that I teach in all of my programs called “The Psychological Switch”.

As a result of taking people through it, a lot of wonderful things have happened for them, including...

  • The single woman who permanently dropped her insecurity about her age, biological clock and whether there are any good men left… who soon found love, married her optimal partner and then to her own surprise… gave birth! 
  • The Divorced dad who let go of the suffering and heartbreak of only being able to see his kids on weekends… who then developed such a deep bond with each of his kids that their relationship became much closer than ever before
  • The devout believing Muslim who finally developed the discipline, consistency and willpower to memorise the Quran… and enjoyed and cherished every day of the journey
  • The mother of 3 who was planning to divorce her husband on the way to a session with me… and thanks to what she discovered, is still happily married many years later
  • The professional woman who was nervous about taking tests and interviews that were required for her career progression… who had one coaching session, completely dropped her anxiety, aced her interviews, and now enjoys her new dream job
  • The high level executive of a multinational who eliminated stress and dramatically increased his productivity and his team’s bottom line results… and now consistently completes his full work day in under 4 hours
  • The Divorcee who overcame heartbreak and found real love & the keys to a marriage that lasts
  • The family man whose anger issues were causing a rift between him, his wife and his kids... who totally transcended it and now the whole family is closer than ever
  • And many, many thousands more…

This is just a small glimpse of some of the changes that happen in people's lives when they experience 'The Switch'.

When I share The Switch with people, either via my daily inspirational emails, in my book, or in videos, podcasts, webinars and interviews, they often want to know…

How Do I Get Started And Actually
Implement This In My Life…?

Ultimately, they want to know if this approach can help them overcome their challenges, make real lasting changes and achieve the goals they want.

The best way to find out for sure is to sign up for what I call a 1-to-1 “Sparring Session” with a qualified “Black Belt” level professional Switch Coach.

What Is A “Sparring Session…?

In Martial Arts a “sparring session” is where you work with someone 1-to-1 as you train for a big event, like a competition fight, or in order to safely prepare for the dreaded real-life scenario of physical combat.

The best case scenario, if you’re lucky, is that you get to spar with a high-level Black Belt master. You can think of it a bit like Daniel San from Karate Kid training with Mr. Miyagi.

And that’s a perfect metaphor for what happens when you have a session with a Certified Switch Coach.

When you train with a true master, they’re not really ‘fighting’ you. They’re using their knowledge, wisdom, skill and experience to guide you to discover...

  • Where your current level of understanding and thinking is and how it can be upgraded

  • How you respond to certain common situations that are likely to occur

  • What areas of your 'game' need more development 

  • Which skills you could do with sharpening 

  • What your personal goals are and how you can clarify your vision, get on track and move towards them

  • Your best plan of action for how to improve yourself

  • The specific next steps to make major progress towards your goals

If you're having Jiujitsu Sparring Session with a Black Belt, all of these pointers will be focused on your martial arts skill and development.

When you're having a Sparring Session with a Switch Coach, it will all be focused on your own mindset and the areas of life you most want to improve.

If that sounds cool, let's take a closer look at...

Exactly What Happens During Your

1-to-1 Sparring Session With A Black Belt Level Certified Switch Coach

The Sparring Session is broken down into 5 rounds.
The whole session is short, but intense.
In just 55 minutes, here’s what you’ll do with your coach:

Create The Vision

  • Focus on the ONE Goal that is the biggest priority in your life and is likely to make all of your other goals seem small, easy or inevitable when you've achieved it
  • Create a crystal clear vision of this area of your life (whether it's relationships, finding love, improving your marriage, business growth, weight loss, parenting, spirituality, or something else entirely) 
  • Use the full power of your mind and imagination to really 'tune in' to what's possible for you when you're aligned with your Highest Self

Uncover Challenges

  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your attempts to achieve your goal
  • Unlock the inner-resistance that has been getting in the way so that it evaporates in the presence of your concsious awareness
  • Discover the physical, practical, emotional, spiritual and psychological barriers that are laid out in front of you, so that you can address them consciously... instead of trying to battle against an invisible enemy


The Impact Of The Switch

  • Take a realistic look at the true impact your goals will have on your life and what it truly means for you to start making big changes. 
  • Take stock of what's most likely to happen if you don't flip "The Psychological Switch" and if the challenges you've been facing continue
  • Realize the relevance of The Psychological Switch in the context of your real-world personal goals and given the realities of your personal situation

The Action Plan

  • This is where the Switch Coach does most of the talking. Based on everything they now know about you and your situation, they’ll give you a step-by-step game plan to defeat your most deadly opponent - the blindspots of your own ego - that have been sabotaging your success and blocking you from making progress towards your goals. 
  • Get your coach's honest feedback, insight, inspiration, ideas and a plan that takes them into account, that's designed to support you to move forward.
  • Receive a tailor-made 5-Part "Switched On Action Plan" that your Coach will design, based on your current goals, challenges and level of progress

Your Best Next Move

  • Just like a Martial Arts master would make sure you know what techniques and principles to focus on to improve your game, your Switch Coach will make sure you leave the session knowing exactly what your best next move is
  • In some cases, that might be where to get started with your action plan. If you’re a good fit, they might suggest one of our coaching programs, or it might be something else entirely. It all depends on your unique goals and situation.
  • Your coach will set you up to leave  the session in much the same way you do after a great workout with a great trainer - feeling inspired, energized and on fire, with clarity of focus and purpose - ready to make a big change in your life, and knowing the exact next steps to make it happen

How Do I Apply For A Session?

  • Use the button below to apply for a session by answering a few quick questions
  • If your application is successful, you’ll be added to our Prioritized Waiting List. We’ll let you know as soon as a Certified Switch Coach on my team has an opening and give you a link to their calendar
  • Click that link as soon as you receive it to book in your session (otherwise you may have to wait for a few more days until there’s another opening).

That’s it. You could have your session as early as this week.

However, because there are thousands of people in my audience who may also be applying, there’s a chance you’ll have to wait for a while - maybe even a few weeks - before we can find a space for you.

Either way, the faster you apply the faster you’ll get your session. 

Who Should Not Apply For A Sparring Session

Just like in Mixed Martial Arts… Sparring isn’t for everyone. If any of the following applies to you, you might as well stay at home on the sofa, eating chips and watching Netflix…

This isn’t for you if… 

  • You only want this because it’s free and won’t take the valuable insights and advice - or the calendar spot you’ve booked - seriously
  • You’re likely to book the session, not add it to your own calendar and then not show up on time
  • You're definitely not interested in having more than one session with a Certified Switch Coach in the future - even if you know it will benefit you, you totally gel with your coach and the investment works out for you
  • You have no major goal you want to make progress on, don’t want to explore new approaches to overcome your challenges, or aren’t looking to make big changes in your life
  • You’re absolutely 100% certain that you can’t change, it won’t work, and that your current way of thinking is absolutely true (even if you’re stuck, off track and in emotional pain)

How Much Is The “Sparring Session” Worth? 

Our coaches are highly qualified and sought after. We pay them well and they’ve had extensive training in coaching and in the Switch methodology. They could very easily work in a multinational corporation as executive coaches, but because they believe in the Psychological Switch and they have each personally experienced the power of it, they work on my team instead.

People pay up to £500 per hour for a session with one of our coaches. However, we know that’s a stretch for most people, especially when you haven’t even met your coach yet.

That’s why we allow all successful applicants to have ONE free sparring session with one of our coaches, to see if they can help you with what you’ve got going on and if our coaching method works for you.

However, before you apply for your free session, it’s worth nothing…

The Rules Of The Dojo

When entering a dojo there are certain rules and etiquette we must adhere by, in order to make the most of the experience.

When it comes to working on your life’s biggest goals & challenges with a coach, here are the etiquettes that make the experience more beneficial…

  1. Only book a session if you’re certain you can make it on time

  2. Show up on time or early

  3. Be in a quiet space with more than enough time for the session

  4. Schedule an extra half hour of free time after the 55-minute session - you may need it to “cool down”, take inspired action or to let the deep realisations you’ve had sink in (and to make sure you have space in case the coach wants to go overtime a little).

  5. Be on a laptop or desktop computer with solid internet connection

  6. Only speak the truth. You don't have to share everything with your coach, but it's important that everything you do share is 100% true, in order to get the real benefit of their perspective.

  7. Set up Zoom on your computer beforehand so you don’t waste the first few minutes trying to log in

  8. Be prepared to have your video and audio on - the session will be more powerful if the coach can see your facial expressions.

  9. Wear a JiuJitsu Gi or Karate Kimono. (Just kidding… Dress however you feel comfortable).

If you think you can handle the rules of the dojo and are ready for a potentially life-changing “Sparring Session”, go here to apply: