Never Ending Stream of Clients

“Yes, Mamoon! I Want a ‘Never Ending Stream of Clients’…”

When You Join Now, You’ll Receive…

Never Ending Stream of Clients

The “Never Ending Stream of Clients” Online Training Course

$2,001 VALUE

This program shows you one simple, repeatable way to reliably fill your practice with clients.

Step 1: The Client-Getting Website

  • The one and only purpose of a website for a coach and how to increase the likelihood of a potential client who lands on your website to sign up and become a client by approximately 950%
  • A simple formula for creating an irresistible giveaway title & topic
  • What to write on your landing page to get maximum opt-ins
  • The 5 biggest mistakes that most coaches make with their website and how to save an ocean of time and money by setting it up the right way, from the start
  • The structure, layout and logic behind how to present yourself and your offer on your website to maximise results and client sign ups
  • How to figure out your target audience & the result they want, without having to pin yourself down to just one niche (everyone gets this whole ‘niche’ thing resolved in this first, powerful session).
  • The one and only piece of inexpensive, simple-to-use software that coaches require to set up their website, email list, coaching programs, payment systems and information products quickly and easily (I give 4 software options, but you only need one of them... and I let you know my personal favourite that I use to run my entire business)

Step 2: The Webinar That Wow’s People

  • How to create a compelling 25 minute Webinar that people love to watch more than a Netflix show while being deeply impacted by your message
  • Why you can relax your way through your webinar presentation (no more nerves or tech problems when you set up your webinar this way)
  • How to turn your webinar into a 24/7 sales person that gets your ideal clients excited to work with you and invest in coaching with you
  • 7 mind-blowing presentation methods you can mix & match to deliver your content in a way that makes everyone fall in love with you and your message
  • How to tap into the flow of inspiration when creating content... including the exact method I use to create awesome content any time I want (usually daily)
  • The exact words to say to invite webinar attendees to book a breakthrough session, with authentic, genuine scarcity (because your calendar space will actually fill up fast!)
  • A step-by-step webinar checklist you can use to implement an get started right away

Step 3: The Client Sign Up Session

  • Why you should schedule in three 90 minute slots for “Breakthrough” sessions right now
  • 3 quick, easy ways to fill your Intro Session calendar, so clients are always chasing you & never the other way around
  • Exactly what to do and say during a Breakthrough session so everyone wants to hire you at then end (and how to structure your coaching package & pricing so they easily can)
  • The 7-Part Breakthrough Session Formula with exact questions and phrases you can use in each part (if in doubt, you can even use my script word-for-word)
  • How to deliver your Introductory 'Breakthrough' session in a way that gets 100% of potential clients wanting to work with you (Note: that doesn't mean you have to work with everyone - not everyone will make a great client. This process puts you in the position of choosing who you want to work with).
  • How to take away all of the pressure and weirdness from the 'decision' part of the conversation, where they decide to hire you
  • How to deliver the first session in the way that's best for you, your client and the coaching relationship (Hint: this isn't just about sales - it's best to do it this way, even if the client has already signed up and paid)
  • The simple, repeatable, consistent way of signing up clients, so you never have to 'think on the spot', but have a system that takes care of everything for you
  • Why you never need to use any kind of 'pressure' tactics (yuck!) and instead deliver the session in a way that 100% congruent and makes 100% of your ideal clients want to buy from you

Step 4: The Inspiring Emails

  • Why coaches never need sell anything to their list and can still *magically* make a six-figure income
  • The difference between ‘content’ emails and ‘sales’ emails and why you should NEVER send EITHER… and what to do instead to get people to LOVE being on your list
  • Why I write (almost!) daily emails to my list, and actually get more subscribers every week, not less
  • How to write emails people love to read, click and buy from
  • What to write in your emails and how often to send them
  • How to inspire and 'coach' people from afar and transform the lives of those you've never even met
  • My personal process for writing awesome emails that change lives and make sales
  • Secrets from a #1 bestselling book author on how to hook your readers and keep them engaged all the way through
  • The 4 essential elements of a 'perfect' email that gets people extremely excited to work with you
  • The difference between a 'ninja' and 'transparent' email and when to use each
  • 10 highly entertaining, engaging and proven email templates that you can use every time you sit down to write an email (or create a piece of video, audio or social media content) - and examples of how I've used each one to get real results and sign up clients in my own Spiritual Coaching business

Step 5: The Constant Flow Of Traffic

  • The Win-Win-Windfall Method - Exactly how I got 20 clients in my first month as a professional coach and a responsive 10K email list in under 18 months (without spending a single penny on advertising)
  • How to get almost everyone you know promoting your coaching business and webinars, including the exact scripts, formulas and templates that you can use to effortlessly 'win over' new JV partners with virtually zero resistance - even if you're just starting with no list, website or clients yet
  • How to persuade large organisations with big email lists to work with you (and why this works really well in the personal development and spiritual coaching niches)
  • How to set up the system that makes creating a windfall of clients inevitable… and simultaneously gives you a consistent stream of income and sessions with brand new potential clients
  • 7 more highly effective, tested and proven methods to have droves of potential clients going to your website to sign up to your email list and join the 'waiting list' of people who want to work with you as soon as space opens up
  • And much, much more…

Plus, You’ll Get These Special Bonuses When You Join Now…

Client Sign-Up Secrets

Client Sign-Up Secrets

$2,000 VALUE

This instantly-viewable training shows you…

  • How to sign up high-paying coaching clients during your very first session with them
  • Why you’ll never have to ‘overcome objections’ or be salesy in order to be a successful coach (in fact, being salesy is a huge turn-off to potential coaching clients)
  • Step by step instructions on exactly what to say & do during your Breakthrough Session so everyone wants to sign up with you
  • The 5 things to include when you offer an introductory coaching session to people, so they rush to take them up.
  • And much, much more…
Your Perfect Niche

Your Perfect Niche – Guaranteed

$1,000 VALUE

  • Discover ten different, original, creative niche-nailing strategies that make it almost impossible to go through this training without figuring out your niche.
  • Why you should ‘date’ your niche, instead of ‘marrying’ it… and how to work in different niches and still have a strong personal coaching brand.
  • The simple, 2-step formula for knowing if your niche will work, that solves the ‘niche problem’ 90% of the time (…and what to do in the other 10% of cases)
  • How to know if your niche is ‘too narrow’ or ‘too broad’ and find the sweet spot that gets a strong, rapid response
  • Know when and why it’s okay to go without a coaching niche in some cases…
  • … And how to get your niche to pass the coveted ‘Mamoon’ test, so you can confidently get started growing your list and getting clients right away
  • You’ll walk away from this special training with your niche figured out… guaranteed. (Or I’ll work with you personally until you get it perfect).
Ask the Superstar VA

THREE FULL MONTHS of Ask My Superstar Virtual Assistant

$1,000 VALUE

Get Your Tech Taken Care Of. With a little strategy and click-by-click guidance, you can watch over my own VA’s shoulder as she answers your tech questions (or just does it for you live).

Plus you’ll keep life-time access to the time-coded library of recorded trainings that cover everything you need to implement our simple 5-step system.

THREE FULL MONTHS in Mamoon’s Rich Coach Mastermind

$3,000 VALUE

I’ve done Marketing Copy labs for hundreds of high-end clients and written sales pages and emails for some of the biggest names in the coaching industry, contributing to multiple Million Dollar launches.

And now, I’ll do the same for you.

I’ll work with you in a group setting, where everyone learns ninja-level copywriting skills, as we find the perfect words to go on your website, in your webinar, on your opt-in and sales pages, to make sure the 5-Step System converts like crazy.

Email Video Coaching

FOR FAST ACTION TAKERS ONLY: 30 Full Days Of Video Coaching with Mamoon

$1,000 VALUE

Ask me as many questions as you want for 30 full days about anything to do with marketing strategy, or implementing the system, or other aspects of a coaching business, and I’ll reply to you with a personalised video within 3 business days, answering every question and email.

This is a service I usually only give to my high-end $20K clients, but you get access to it if you sign up right now, and let me have the honour of being your coach.

“Yes Mamoon! I’m Ready To Join Never Ending Stream of Clients And Get Instant Access To These Special Bonuses At A Fraction Of The Regular Investment”


Choose the Plan That Works Best For You


One Payment of




4 Monthly Payments of



The Honour Code Policy

We have a strict “no refunds” honor code policy because I want you to feel like you really have some skin in the game. When you sign up, please only do so because you feel ready and you’re absolutely committed to actually using the program, playing full-out and fully embracing the lessons it contains, so that you create a never-ending stream of clients for your coaching business.

The Happy Money Policy

I only want to receive money that you feel wonderful about investing. Before making the payment, make a firm intention to infuse the money with an abundance of love, appreciation and gratitude for what you’re about to receive. With this intention, I firmly believe that your money and your investment in our time together will be blessed.

What Students Say About The Program…

“With Mamoon’s strategies & mindset shifts, I went from ZERO to 6-figures in my coaching business, in less than a year…!”

– Heine Kolltveit

“Mamoon’s deep understanding of the Inside-Out Paradigm plus his amazing coaching and marketing expertise makes such a powerful combination…!”

– Mary Strange

“The results were great – I’m a lot better with my clients, more internally quiet & more impactful with clients…”

– Ian Selby

“The mindset shift happened overnight – after working with Mamoon over a weekend I tripled my annual sales and I get to work with my ideal clients…”

– Sarah Phipp

“My business has sky-rocketed! I’ve created longer term packages, i charge way more, I have a team now and I’ve created space & time for myself… you will get your return on investment – guaranteed!”

– Marina Pearson

“Mamoon is an inspiring teacher, understands the “how do I find clients” problem & gives simple, straightforward & clear systems you can follow – it worked for me & it’ll work for you!”

– Nick Settle

“With Mamoon’s help, I was able to build my practice (online and offline) and I managed to create an email list to over 300 subscribers and get people in my group program, all in just a few weeks”

– Sandie Martel

Choose the Plan That Works Best For You


One Payment of




4 Monthly Payments of



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