Meet & Marry The One Logo

“Could It Really Be This Easy To Finally Find, Attract & Marry The Ideal Muslim Partner You’ve Been Dreaming About…?”

Yes! And If You’ve Been Searching For Years With No Luck, This May Be The Most Important Letter You Ever Read…

Dear Spiritual Seeker,

May the Peace, Love & Blessings of Allah Be With You.

I have a few questions for you and I want you to take a moment to honestly reflect on the answers.

Are you…

  • Totally fed up of trying everything to find your ideal spouse, from marriage events to online websites to networking… and nothing seems to work?
  • Losing hope in the opposite gender because every time you just start to connect with a potential spouse they suddenly go ‘cold’ and disappear off the face of the Earth…?
  • Finding it hard to be ‘patient’ with rude auntie-gees who keep asking you why you’re not married and look down you for it and even outright insult you…?

Or, maybe you’re…

  • Secretly seeing someone you want to marry but afraid to tell your parents about it… and then get extremely embarrassed because they keep inviting rishta’s around and you’re trying to find excuses to say no to them…?
  • Starting to worry that if your friends and family aren’t really helping you get married, it must mean that on some level they don’t think you’re worth setting up…?
  • Frustrated at religious people because they’ve been telling you all your life not to talk with the opposite gender… and now they’ve suddenly switched to asking you why you’re not married…?!

Maybe you’re more experienced and you’ve been searching for a while. In that case, are you…

  • Trying to recover from yet another engagement that’s broken off and frustrated that he’s just wasted your precious time?
  • Attracted to the exact wrong kind of person who you know won’t make good marriage material but despite what your friends (and common sense) say, you keep thinking you can ‘fix’ them and make it work?
  • Divorced with kids and are worried that no-one’s going to want to be with someone in your situation?

But worst of all…

  • Are you so afraid of getting hurt that it seems easier to not even look, and instead try to convince yourself that you don’t want to get married?
  • Deep down inside, are you worried because you know that the more time you waste playing these ‘games’, the less chance there is you’ll ever get to have your own kids?

“Isn’t Islam Meant To Protect Us From Being Hurt Like This…?”

That’s what one female Muslim client asked me after facing just one of the very tough situations described above.

These aren’t fantasy scenarios – these are real experiences that millions of Muslims are facing every day.

But now that you’ve found this site, you don’t have to.

There is no such thing as ‘luck’ or ‘random chance’. You’re on this page because Allah (swt) chose for you to be here. If answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, or if your intuition is telling you to stay, trust it and read on.

But before we get into to solving some of these dilemmas, let me step back and be the first to admit something…

“There has been virtually no useful ‘dating’ or relationship advice for Muslims – men or women.”

The best you’re going to get from most marriage events is: you should get married – it’s sunnah. But don’t look at anyone of the opposite gender – it’s haram. Talk about mixed messages!?!

So, when my older brother mentioned he was having trouble finding someone, I hesitantly recommended a couple of mainstream ‘dating’ programs that teach men how to be more confident so they can attract women. I knew about these programs because I’ve been a transformational coach for just shy of a decade and one of the biggest areas that clients ask for help in is: finding love.

Full disclosure: these ‘dating’ programs I recommended to him are not really designed for Muslims who don’t believe in intimacy before marriage. (Actually, that’s a huge under-statement – they’re mostly designed for people who want to date a lot and don’t believe in marriage at all).

However, I figured my brother is a responsible, sensible guy, and he could weed out the superficial ‘manipulative’ stuff, and just learn useful things about social interaction, body language, eye-contact, and confidence.

After pointing him towards those resources, I went back on my merry way to Barcelona, where I lived at the time, wished him the best, and prayed for him.

And boy were those prayers answered…

What Every Single Muslim Woman *Wishes* The Men At Marriage Events Would Know

I was delighted when I returned about a month later to discover that he had invested in all of the books and programs I recommend, studied them inside-out and was now talking to a promising prospect about marriage. He was all excited, telling me how literally NO MUSLIM MAN at any ‘marriage’ event knows any of the useful stuff that he had just discovered.

They were all un-wittingly making the classic innocent mistakes that immediately put women off… and he was making those mistakes himself just a few weeks earlier, but now he knew better.

As a result, even the most attractive women were approaching him, giving him their numbers, and it wasn’t long before he was engaged, and married to the one he chose, masha’Allah.

Before we get into what changed for him (…the same ‘inner-shift’ that’s caused dozens of Muslim women who’ve been through my “Meet Him & Marry Him” program to find love and get married…), let’s explore a very important question…

“Does ‘The One’
Even Really Exist…?”

The answer is an emphatic, “Yes!” I’m not saying this because I’m such a hapless romantic. (Trust me, I’m not.) I’m saying this from a place of pure logic.

Out of all the human beings on Earth right now, there is one who is the most optimal match for you, and for whom you are the most optimal possible match. With that person, you will, insha’Allah, live your best possible future and have the most blissful marriage possible.

That person is ‘the one’ you should be doing dua for. That person is the one with whom everything will just ‘click’. Their ‘crazy’ and their family’s ‘crazy’ will match yours perfectly, insha’Allah.

And that person is the one I’m absolutely committed to helping you find and marry, insha’Allah.

The question is… how do you find them… and how do you know if you already have found them?!

And, the humbling truth is, if you’ve been searching for ‘the one’, you’re probably not ready for them yet.


The Secret To Finding
‘The One’ Is…

…becoming the One.

If you’re spending all of your time, energy and effort on ‘finding’ the one, you’re almost certain to miss them. And even if you met, you’d probably pass by without even recognising each other.

Here’s Why:

You ever hear the phrase: ‘when the student is ready, the teacher appears’…?

Well, the same holds true.

When the heart is ready, the love of your life appears.

There are, of course, some practical things I’d recommend you do. (Being your best self in isolation is very unlikely to help this area of your life get sorted!)

But 99% of the time, it’s not where to go, and what to do externally that’s blocking things. It’s how you’re showing up to those places and who you’re showing up as internally when you do those things, that’s going to make all the difference in the world.

How Do You Become ‘The One’ That Everyone Wants To Marry
(…Including Your Perfect Match)?”

Hmmm… If only there was some kind of divine guidance on a subject like this… and a real-life example of the most attractive man ever, and who met and married his perfect eternal soul-mate mate. 

Oh yeah, there is. So, here are the real questions we’re going to address… 

  • What if we were able to model the enlightened mindset of the Prophet (peace & blessing upon him), and the love of his life, Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her)…?
  • What if we could identify the key, most attractive prophetic qualities for men, and women, and then magnify and embody those qualities within ourselves…? 
  • What if we went for a truly deep understanding of how the mind and heart works, and used that as the basis for the transformation required to naturally, effortlessly attract the one we’re destined for…?
  • And what if we took all that wisdom and applied it not only to finding love, but also to keeping it, so you keep your partner very pleased with you and you don’t fall for tricks of the ego that break up marriages as fast as they occur…?

It turns out that there are a few key qualities (outlined below), that both men and women must demonstrate in order to become very attractive to a potential partner… the same qualities you need to continually demonstrate to your spouse to keep the marriage alive.

Other ‘dating’ courses are about ‘faking’ that you have these qualities, which can only work in the short-term, and does not make for a promising start to a marriage.

However, that’s not going to cut for believing Muslims or spiritual seekers who want lasting love.

If you want the real deal, you need to actually develop the mind-set, and heart-set, of someone who genuinely embodies and lives by these qualities. You need to become ‘the one’. 

And that is exactly why I created this life-changing event for you. It unveils deep insights into how the mind, and the heart works, to make attracting the love of your life effortless and pretty much inevitable, insha’Allah.

“Finally! There’s Hope…”

For the first time, you can get real professional advice that actually works – from a trained relationship coach – who can see things from an Islamic perspective…

What Other Students Are Saying …

This is our first ever “Meet & Marry The One” event, but here are what students in the “Meet Him & Marry Him” digital course and my other life-transforming coaching programs have been saying…

“I don’t feel finding a partner is a challenge now, it’s going to happen, insha’Allah.”
– Waasafa, Medical Student

“I’ve Spent Years In Personal Development & I Thought I Had Tried EVERYTHING To Let Go Of Insecure Thinking… Until I Discovered THIS…”
– Tiamo

“Before the Paradigm Shift I used to worry so much about public speaking – now I just do it without worrying…!”
– Mary Strange

“I used to wake up at 5am to do affirmations & gratitude lists – I don’t need to do that to feel better any more. Since the Paradigm Shift, my life has been changing effortlessly.”
– Sandie Martel

“I felt so calm compared to beforehand… I didn’t think I would feel that in such a new and unfamiliar situation”
Sarah, Psycologist

“I wanted to thank you for having faith that I would meet someone when I had lost hope myself; I think that was a crucial part of the journey to getting where I am now.”
– Fatima (now engaged, masah’Allah)

“If you want to bring about change and instant results in your love life in as little as a few weeks then this coaching program is for you.”
– Safia (now married, masah’Allah)

“You’d have to be *NUTS* not to come to Mamoon’s event – I’m coming all the way from Australia!”
– Kathryn Jones

“Mamoon’s teachings completely changed my life and my confidence has skyrocketed.”
– Pamela Cournoyer

“My husband and I had serious issues and arguing for years… Thanks to your training, we just cleared it all up.”
– Salma

Meet and Marry The One: How to Find, Attract & Marry the Love of Your Life.

This unique course guides you to develop the key mindset, relationship skills and Prophetic qualities you need, to become ‘the one’ who naturally attracts a their perfect partner for marriage.  
Starting with the Inside-Out Paradigm as the key to rapid personal growth, you’ll discover how all of the attractive, noble, prophetic qualities that your soulmate is hoping to find in you, are all effortlessly embodied when we align with the Inside-Out. 

Session 1: The Paradigm Of Lasting Love

  • Why true love comes from the ‘inside-out’ – from the Most Loving, to your heart, and then out into the world, and not the other way around.
  • How to live with a ever-deepening understanding of Allah, and continually let go of egotistical thinking that can sabotage your love-life
  • How to pinpoint and strengthen the parts of your personality that are incredibly attractive, so you make a lasting impression with every real ‘potential’ you meet
  • The psychological paradigm that leads you to live with a lot more love, security, presence, confidence, clarity and wellbeing… basically everything a potential spouse is hoping to find in you. This understanding lets you live with an ever-deepening understanding of Allah and is the key that underpins all of my coaching work with men and women – and makes everything else in this training event work.
  • The foundation of all 7 positive, prophetic qualities that we hope to find in our partners, and how we can first inculcate these qualities in ourselves.

Session 2: Detachment – How To Permanently Eliminate Neediness & Insecurity

  • Transcend the “Ultimate Nafs-Trap” that’s been keeping you single, even when all your friends and family keep talking about what a ‘great catch’ you are
  • Why it’s virtually impossible to find someone when your feelings are riding on the outcome of whether or not they like you… and how to break free from these nafs-created mind-games once and for all
  • The ‘inner-game’ key to become magnetically attractive to the high-quality partner you want in your life, without even trying
  • Why neediness is like Kryponite to a highly conscious person and the psychological understanding that stops you from falling into it, time and time again
  • How to eliminate insecurity at its very roots, so you never come across as needy or desperate when you talk with a potential partner

Session 3: Confidence – The Key To Finding Love That Lasts

  • Gentlemen… You ever get that “choked up” feeling in your stomach when you see a beautiful woman you want to meet? By going through this training beforehand, your whole perspective on life shifts in a way that has the power to completely eliminate all feelings of nervousness and “re-sets” you to your natural state of confidence…
  • Discover the #1 thing that every man is looking for… and can barely resist in a woman (…and it’s probably not what you think!), and how to effortlessly embody it
  • The ‘magic words’ a man can say to any Muslim woman that make her instantly respond in kind, and make for the perfect conversation-starter (…and where to find the unshakable confidence to pull it off every time).
  • Why your circumstances – how old you are, your level of education, your previous marriage(s), the number of kids you have, your ethnic background, and your looks etc. – no longer need to be barriers in your quest for real love.

Session 4: Resilience – How To Recover From Heart-Break & Let Love In

  • Endless Resilience – how to find an endless sources of resilience within you, so you don’t give up on love, or marriage, no matter how many times you’ve had your heart broken
  • How To Let Love In – get past the layers of pain, fear and insecurity so you can finally be free to let real love in
  • Conscious Uncoupling – How to break up, and be broken up with, with elegance, maturity and compassion, and really *know* that you and your ‘ex’ are always going to be okay.
  • How to quickly bounce back from break-ups and heart-break so that you don’t carry any needy energy, drama or emotional baggage around with you when meet new people

Session 5: Leadership – How To Lead, And Be Lead, Into A Life-Time Of Love

  • The essential difference between masculine and feminine energy and why your attempts to spend more time with your potential spouse might be destroying any chance of attraction and love to emerge naturally
  • The 3 biggest leadership mistakes most men make when taking a lady out to get to know her, that kills any chance of attraction to occur
  • The best possible ‘date’ experience a man can give a woman that ticks all her unconscious boxes for “I definitely want to see him again – he’s marriage material”
  • How to talk to a potential about where the relationship is going and how to speed things along without seeming needy or attached (because you actually wont be!)
  • What a man must do if you want to keep a woman interested in you FOREVER (This is THE KEY to getting married and making it last… miss just this one thing and she’ll be ‘over you’ and on to the next guy before you know it)
  • The “Invisible Force-Field” that keeps unnecessary ‘drama’ away from you and how to show real leadership by following a wise sheikh’s advice on how to gently, ethically ‘cut-out’ people from your life who are trapped in a cycle of never-ending drama

Session 6: Effortless Attraction – Be A Magnet To Your Ideal Partner

  • Why the Prophet Muhammad, peace & blessings upon him, was the most attractive person who ever walked the face of the Earth, and key distinctions about his elegant character that show us how to embody this Sunnah, without making life hard for those around us
  • Why you get attracted to people who are terrible matches for you, and why you sometimes don’t feel anything towards people who, on paper, would make the ideal spouse
  • The key distinction behind how attraction works that you can leverage to become magnetically attractive to the one you want
  • How to know the difference between ‘attraction’ and ‘true love’ so you can make better decisions about who to pursue
  • How to transcend attraction, let go and move on without wasting time, energy and effort pursuing someone who is ‘just not that into you’.
  • The essential skill all men must develop and use only during the phase of life when you’re single and looking for marriage (and that you definitely should not use at any other time, as it could get you in un-wanted, un-necessary trouble)
  • Why attraction is not a choice, and what to do when you feel strong attraction for someone who you know is not going to make for a good long-term life-partner

Session 7: Spiritual Presence – The Conscious Path To Eternal Love

  • Instant Presence – the Prophetic saying that contains 5 life-changing insights that lead us to become much more present, aware, and connected with Allah (swt), instantly.
  • Your Inner GPS – how to get past all the loud ‘inner-noise’ and quiet down so you can hear the ‘whispers’ of your soul and access your very own in-built, God-given Guidance & Protection System (GPS)
  • What to do when there’s an awkward silence during a conversation with a potential, to stop it dragging out and prevent the whole date or ‘meeting’ from falling apart
  • How to use daily prayer as a practice that increases your presence when you enter any room, so you make a lasting impression without even trying
  • The deep realisation that takes truck-loads of outside-in, insecure, unnecessary thinking off your mind, so you naturally become much more present, much more of the time. This one understanding alone is far more valuable to us that marriage itself, because of how closely it binds us to Allah (swt) and brings us into alignment with the enlightened way of the Prophets (peace & blessings upon them).

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‘Meet And Marry The One’
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