The Spiritual Switch:
Connect With Allah.
Become Your Best Self.
Improve Your Relationships.

If you want to discover the proven method that thousands of spiritual seekers from around the world have used to deepen their connection with Allah - in a way that transforms you into your Highest Self and leads to an automatic improvement in all your family and work relationships, then here's how it works…

Dear Friend,

For over a decade I’ve dedicated my life to coaching and training thousands of people with a unique methodology that many have found to be quite literally, ‘life changing’.

As soon as someone flips ‘The Spiritual Switch’, they connect with Allah in a real, relevant and impactful way, and as a result, their life and relationships transform.

Take for example…

  • The single Muslim woman who dropped all her insecurity about men and relationships, then soon found love in her 40’s… after years of searching
  • The mother of three who wanted a divorce and was thinking about how to break it to her husband on the way to my event… and is now still happily married several years later thanks to the insights she had during the event
  • The director of a multinational corporation who suddenly and unexpectedly became a local cricket legend, hitting century after century in his local amateur cricket club… after just one coaching session with me
  • The woman who always struggled to pray and saw prayer as a chore, and now does it on time, every time, with joy, love and genuine enthusiasm
  • The divorced man who fully recovered from heartbreak, found his optimal partner, then invited my wife and I to his wedding earlier this year
  • The woman who had an overwhelming fear of performing during an interview, who completely dropped her nerves, then strolled in, aced it, and landed her dream job in the IT industry 
  • The client who was shy and insecure about wanting to pray at work… who now inspires her colleagues because of her deep, real spirituality because she always puts prayer first, no matter what
  • The drug and alcohol addicted divorcee who discovered the ‘Switch’, instantly stopped his addictions, converted to Islam, and has not only been clean ever since… but is also a key source of support to many others with similar struggles 
  • The lady who dropped her emotional baggage… along with 20KG of unwanted BODY FAT that she had been struggling to lose for years
  • The woman who stood up in front of 50 people and explained how she used to have a crippling fear of public speaking… and now it’s simply… vanished!
  • The mother of 3, whose kids were driving her mad, but discovered that she could be calm, cool, collected, and loving no matter how the kids behave (She soon found her kids’ behavior naturally improved, without her even trying) 

I could go on, but you get the picture.

These are all real people, with real case-studies, with many witnesses who saw the transformation happen, before their very eyes.

What made each of these success stories happen?

Ask any one of them and they'll tell you:

"It's The Spiritual Switch!"

What Is “The Spiritual Switch” And Why Does It Cause Such Amazing Results?

The Spiritual Switch is a simple, profound understanding of how the mind works. It occurs the moment you deeply, insightfully realize the psychological fact that: 

‘Feelings always come from thought in the moment’.

When you're aware of the fact that your feelings are coming from your own thinking, then you're "Switched On" or "In The Light". Your mind is quiet, you're present, you're connected with Allah and you give your best to the people around you.  

When you innocently fall for the illusion that your feelings are coming from something other than your own thinking (such as your past, or your circumstances, or other people), then you're "Switched Off" or "In The Dark". When this happens, your mind becomes noisy with 'dark thinking', you're not present, you feel disconnected from Allah, and you can't seem to give your best to the people around you. 

The moment you insightfully, deeply understand the implications that this simple psychological fact has for your life, a lot of good things start to happen for you, including…

The Three Inevitable Outcomes Of
The Spiritual Switch

After years of coaching thousands of people through ‘The Spiritual Switch’, I only recently noticed that every single client I've ever worked with experienced 3 immediate, ongoing and unavoidable effects:

  1. Deeper Connection with Allah* - it doesn’t matter how religious you are (or if you even believe in a religion at all), “The Spiritual Switch” quiets your minds, makes you more present and leads you into a deep, embodied feeling of connection with Allah (*the Source and Soul of the Universe).
  2. Become Your Best Self - by understanding the one and only way your mind always works, you drop insecurity, neediness, and self-sabotaging thinking, and start to effortlessly embody the Prophetic qualities, which include but are not limited to: love, kindness, understanding, forgiveness, resilience, gratitude, presence, courage and truthfulness.

  3. Improve Your Relationships - the first people who notice that the change has happened within you, tend to be the people closest to you.

    You stop reacting to their dramas. You drop fear of judgment and insecurity. You develop the courage to let people go when necessary and the kindness to do it with gentleness and grace. And you become a lot more happy and fun to be around! 

    You become the high-vibe, highly conscious person that attracts high-quality relationships. This leads to an unavoidable, inevitable improvement in all your relationships. 

At this point, I’ve guided thousands of people through The Spiritual Switch over the last decade and the changes in people’s lives have been profound. 

Now, for the first time, I’m taking my entire life’s work, and bringing it to you in an easy, convenient format - a 90 day coaching program with plenty of access to me - that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home.

Here’s how it works…


The 90 Day Coaching & Training Program

Week 1 - The Reality: The One And Only Way The Mind Always Works

  • Discover the one and only way your mind always works - and experience the tremendous benefits that come to your life when you know it with certainty
  • The surprisingly simple realization discovered by an uneducated welder in 1973 that has lead psychologists, psychiatrists, coaches and therapists all over the world to instantly throw away their degrees and education and replace them with his teachings
  • How to prosper even when everyone around you seems determined to see only the negative in life and drag you down with them
  • The best-kept psychological secret of 2022 and how to use it to your own personal advantage in 2023 and beyond
  • The 5 ways to know if something forms a true law of the mind, or is just another one of thousands of pop-psychology and self-help fads

Week 2 - The Illusion: The Source Of Dark Thinking

  • How to discard and almost instantly ‘drop’ the insidious psychological illusion that leads us into mental trouble, emotional pain and spiritual dis-ease
  • How to cure the 21 spiritual diseases of the human heart and transcend the one innocent misunderstanding that leads us into all of them
  • Six ways to take advantage of the newly discovered paradigm of human psychology, without adding more to your 'to do' list
  • The real reason why 1-in-3 Muslims are seriously depressed, despite having the divine source of guidance at their fingertips (Note: this also explains why almost half our marriages end in divorce and how to protect yourself from falling for it)

Week 3 - The Switch: The Source Of Spontaneous, Permanent Inner-Change

  • How to ‘switch on’ your connection with Allah, and access to your highest, best self, even in the most trying of circumstances
  • How to deepen your understanding of the Spiritual Reality so that you spend more time ‘switched on’ and catch yourself more quickly when you’re ‘switched off’
  • The Jake Bugg song I wish I could use as the intro and outro to every podcast and program episode I ever create, because it perfectly encapsulates the experience of the sudden, permanent shift in perspective that comes from ‘The Spiritual Switch’
  • The most interesting Psychological Fact ever discovered and why it’s dismissed by most therapists, psychologists and coaches… even though they have no evidence whatsoever to back up their opinion
  • Why the so-called “experts” are just dead-wrong when they say that past childhood traumas are the cause of your day-to-day emotions and the liberating truth that can cause spontaneous inner-change

Week 4 - Instant Presence: The Key To Spiritual Connection

  • How to ‘switch on’ your connection with Allah, and access to your highest, best self, even in the most trying of circumstances
  • How to get better (and faster) results than you ever possibly could with long daily meditation and visualization routines
  • The main cause of noisy, dark thinking and how to eliminate it so your mind becomes more present and clear than ever before
  • How to master mindfulness and get into the state of meditation in the shortest time possible (and why this is essential for a believing Muslim who wants to make the most of their prayers and beautiful rituals)

Week 5 - Your Life’s Highest Purpose

  • The Quran verses that reveal the ultimate purpose of life for every human (whether they realize it or not) and why most people innocently miss the profound truth they point to
  • 3 subtle, but deep, and powerfully life-changing meanings of the phrase "la ilaha il Allah" (there is no god but Allah), that you haven't heard before, intuitively 'just know' are absolutely true, and that automatically lead you into a state of meditation and connection with the Source of Life
  •  A dirt-cheap, simple, do-it-yourself way of measuring your current level of connection with Allah that gives you instant, neutral, non-judgemental feedback on how you’re doing and directs your focus on how to continuously improve
  •  3 devilish, ego-driven “time bombs” ready to blow NOW that can destroy your sense of purpose in life and your attempts to concentrate during prayer
  • How to feel a deep sense of divine connection, direction and purpose in everything you do from the moment you walk away from this training session
  • How to experience the time-bending effects of simply loving everything you do - on a regular basis  

Week 6 - More Presence In Prayer

  • The life-changing insight that made a client suddenly realize that, “It’s as if I’ve been reading the Quran my whole life, but wearing the wrong prescription glasses!” and why every verse now seems thousands of times more powerful, enlightening and encouraging to him
  • The only thing you need to know to turn the Quran into your own personal development coach and why most people never develop this kind of deeply connected relationship with Allah’s words
  • Exactly what to do and say to get into an optimal state of mind in your very next prayer
  • Why most people fail abysmally when they try to start praying 5 times a day and the simple, reliable, almost effortless method I’ve been using with clients for over a decade that leads them into praying joyfully on time, every time
  • The ancient Sufi teaching story the points us towards the dramatic power of presence in prayer and unconsciously, subtly influences us to achieve it

Week 7 - The End Of Insecurity

  • The 7 ego-patterns you’ll notice people slip into when they’ve fallen for the Psychological Illusion and exactly how to stop yourself from being a victim to it (or to them when they’re in this state of mind)
  • The simple metaphor that explains why you won’t ever have to ‘work’ on yourself again, as soon as you flip The Spiritual Switch™, and why any attempt to do so is a dangerous step towards the very illusion that you’re trying to avoid
  • Why the so-called “experts” are just dead-wrong when they say that past childhood traumas are the cause of your day-to-day emotions and how to use this knowledge to improve your connection with Allah
  • How the self-help industry fools so many innocent spiritual seekers like you into myths that harm their spiritual growth (and the one and only place to find the guidance that will never fail you)
  • Why the fancy-schmancy CBT and NLP techniques are hopelessly inadequate when you need them the most… and what to do instead, that works for you every time.
  • The one mistake even experienced coaches, therapists and psychologists innocently make that automatically leaves their clients confused and feeling like they’re ‘not good enough’ and how to ‘skip over’ this painful part of your personal development journey
  • Exactly what to do when hearing the words “feeling comes from thought” does absolutely nothing for you whatsoever… (Note: This is a common trap when people start their ‘switch’ journey - but after this module you won’t fall for it any more)

Week 8 - Become Unstoppable

  • The only 2 inner-blocks to your potential and how to overcome them quickly, easily, and painlessly so you no longer get in the way of your own success
  • The simple realization that motivated me to achieve a Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu in less than 6 months (after spending 8 frustrating years making hardly any progress) 
  • The #1 biggest myth around “motivation” that virtually everyone falls for when they’re feeling low, almost always leads to a lack of accomplishment (and the simple, powerful truth that gets you results before you know it)  
  • The ultimate “Short Cut” to motivation that you can learn and use immediately... no matter how lazy you think you are
  • The one popular mindset technique never to use when you’re getting ready in the morning and what to do instead that makes your day flow with ease and grace (Hint: It’s Sunnah!)
  •  Why you’ll never need to use another ‘mindset’ technique for as long as you live after this week’s training
  • Toxic Goals - what they are, how to spot them and how to stop them from ruining the most important achievements of your life
  • How to manipulate yourself into action on your biggest, most important goals, without letting patterns of self-sabotage get in your way

Week 9 - The 9 Prophetic Character Traits

  • A step-by-step connect-the-dots demonstration of exactly how The Spiritual Switch leads anyone who experiences it directly into living by the 9 most beautiful character traits of the Prophet Muhammad, peace & blessings upon him
  • The 3 ways to think about paying your bills that fill you up with so much gratitude that you’ll actually start to enjoy the process
  • Why the Spiritual Switch is sometimes called the “Paradigm Of Resilience” and why you’ll never feel like you’re “running out of sabr” or patience with anyone… and yet can still never be taken advantage of
  • How to become more loving and benevolent that you ever thought possible… and the simple insight a colleague of mine had that literally saved her marriage… and hundreds of other marriages too
  • How to develop the courage to be completely truthful in all interactions (by eliminating the one and only thing that ever leads us to not be entirely truthful)

Week 10 - Dealing With Difficult People

  • How to deal with even the most difficult family members without losing your temper or your cool with them
  • How to become 'un-manipulatable' when dealing with difficult people so that you're immune to even narcissistic behaviour
  • How to know when to let go of relationships and how to do it with elegance, ease & grace
  • The only ‘non-technique’ technique I ever use when I’m feeling upset or angry that gets me out of harms way, and tends to bring more fresh, new, insightful thinking
  •  Why it’s a completely disastrous MYTH that you should try to eliminate all the low vibe, or ‘bad’ people from your life and how to deal with them in a dignified, respectful manner, without letting them affect your state of mind 

Week 11 - Resolving Relationship Conflicts

  • Why only ONE person in the room needs to be ‘switched on’ for all family dynamics to change and relationships to improve
  • Why so many marriages have been saved, without me ever talking to or coaching the ‘trouble-causer’ in the relationship
  • What to do when a relationship conflict flares up to quickly cool things down and get the best out of everyone
  • How to quickly mastermind dozens of strategies for relationship success, even when you hit an impasse with your partner
  • Six ways to tell if your marriage is about to fail - and what to do to turn things around quickly 

Week 12 - Attracting Awesome Relationships

  • How to become detached & outcome independent when you’re looking for love (so that neediness and self-doubt don’t creep in and sabotage your chances)
  • The six personal qualities that people find extremely attractive and how to live by them, without even trying
  • How to increase your ‘vibe’ or ‘energy’ so that cool people naturally want to spend more time with you
  • The simple mindset I always have when I’m at an otherwise ‘boring’ engagement from ever being bored… and often leads me to being the life of the party (despite my natural introverted tendency)
  • The best way to introduce your friends and family to The Spiritual Switch so they too can directly benefit from the incredible transformation you've experienced - even if they're not interested in 'spirituality' or 'personal growth'
  • How to become detached & outcome independent when you’re looking for love (so that neediness and self-doubt don’t creep in and sabotage your chances)
  • The six personal qualities that people find extremely attractive and how to live by them, without even trying
  • How to increase your ‘vibe’ or ‘energy’ so that cool people naturally want to spend more time with you
  • The simple mindset I always have when I’m at an otherwise ‘boring’ engagement from ever being bored… and often leads me to being the life of the party (despite my natural introverted tendency)
  • The best way to introduce your friends and family to The Spiritual Switch so they too can directly benefit from the incredible transformation you've experienced - even if they're not interested in 'spirituality' or 'personal growth'

How The Spiritual Switch 90 Day Coaching Program Is Structured

When you join today, here’s what happens…

  • You receive instant access to a private members-only area of my website, where you can start going through all 12 modules right away... and you get Lifetime Access to everything. 

Plus, You’ll Get These Special Bonuses When You
Join Right Now…

Personal Video Coaching From Mamoon

£1,500 VALUE

For the next 90 days, you can study the modules with me each week, then ask me any questions - no matter how personal - and I'll respond with a private, personal video just for you.

  • STEP 1: Ask me as many questions as you want by sending me a private email. You can use it to clarify the material we cover during our weekly modules or ask anything personal that you want my perspective on
  • STEP 2: I respond as soon as I can (3 business days max) with a personal video that you can keep access to for life  
  • STEP 3: When you receive your personalised video response, you can keep access to it forever. Some clients re-watch these videos several times and take notes in their journal. If anything needs more clarity, send me more questions via email!
  • That's it! When you join "The Spiritual Switch" I'm all yours for the next 90 days - that's why there are only a maximum of 33 spaces available in this program

90 DAYS in The Switch Mastermind

£1,500 VALUE

This is a high-end, high-touch mastermind. You'll get the opportunity to get plenty of 1-to-1 Laser coaching in a Group setting, along with Q & A.

We'll work together to blast through any limiting beliefs, negative emotions, inner-conflicts, self-doubts, or anything else keeping you small and blocking your potential. We meet live on Tuesday evenings at 7pm UK time - and you'll get the recording afterwards. 

Quran For Busy People: The 10-Step Plan To Achieve All Your Quran Goals

£500 VALUE

This instantly-viewable training is one of our most popular programs. It shows you how to study the Quran and truly benefit from it, so that the Quran becomes your Personal Coach. 

You'll discover…

  • How to effortlessly develop the Daily Quran Habit to makes your success inevitable
  • How to never get overwhelmed or frustrated when trying to study the Quran - and enjoy every minute you spend with it
  • The specific 10-Step Strategic Quran Plan that works for everyone - whether you’re starting out from scratch, or if you’ve been a devoted student for years
  • Exactly how to learn the art of recitation (tajweed), the Arabic language, exegesis (tafsir)... and enjoy the whole process
  • The fastest, easiest way to learn Quranic Arabic so you can understand the Quran directly... by the start of Ramadan!
  • An much, much more...

Instant Ihsan: The Spiritual Transformation Program

£500 VALUE

  • CORE QURAN INSIGHT 1: Haqq (Truth) - Explore the true nature of thought & uncover your ultimate source of happiness
  • CORE QURAN INSIGHT 2: Taqwa (Consciousness) - Elevate your consciousness & deepen your connection with Allah
  • CORE QURAN INSIGHT 3: Rahma (Love) - Discover the depth of Allah’s love for you & the secrets to accessing the full potential of your highest self
  • CORE QURAN INSIGHT 4: Islam (Peace) - How to live in a permanent state of inner peace
  • CORE QURAN INSIGHT 5: Iman (Faith) - Inspired action, effortless productivity & uncovering your highest ibada
  • CORE QURAN INSIGHT 6: Ihsan (Excellence) - Live with spiritual excellence in the presence of Allah
  • CORE QURAN INSIGHT 7: Hikma (Wisdom) - Accessing your God-given inner guidance system

“Yes Mamoon! I’m Ready To Join "The Spiritual Switch" And Get Instant Access To These Special Bonus Gifts At A Fraction Of The Regular Investment”


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What Can You Realistically Expect From This Coaching Program...?

Before you jump into the program, I don't want you to have any false expectations, so let's make a few things clear...

The idea is not that you’ll never have a negative emotion. It’s that you’ll handle all emotions, good, bad, ugly or divine, with grace, intelligence and wisdom, no matter what situation you find yourself in.

The idea is not that you’ll have perfect circumstances for the rest of your life. It’s that you’ll never fear any circumstance, because you know deep within your soul that they literally do not have the power to determine your feelings. 

The idea is not that your partner or family members will magically change their behavior towards you. It’s that you’ll no longer be emotionally impacted by their behavior (no matter how terrible), and no longer fall for their attempts at emotional manipulation. 

Instead, you’ll access your own God-given inner-wisdom and intuition to gently guide you towards your best next move with them. As a result, you can always be your best around them, even if they show you their worst.

Most Importantly...

The idea is not that you’ll never be ‘switched off’ again. Sometimes you will. However, your depth of understanding of The Spiritual Switch determines:

  • How much of the time you spend ‘switched on’

  • How quickly you can switch back ‘on’ when you’re ‘off’

  • How bright your inner-light becomes (flipping the switch is just the beginning - there’s no end to how bright the light of the human soul can shine)

  • How much your life improves - The brighter the light on the inside, the better your life on the outside. You’ll have an increased capacity to change unwanted situations and go after your goals without fear, insecurity or self-doubt getting in the way

STOP! Before You Join The Program, Please Take Careful Note Of Our “Honor Code” And “Happy Money” Policy Before Your Proceed…

The Honour Code Policy

We have a strict “no refunds” honour code policy because I want to know that you have some skin in the game. If you sign up, please do so because you’re committed to going through the coaching program and fully embracing the lessons it contains, so that you create real changes in your life for the better. Our courses are for doers, not dabblers. I want you to experience real, lasting transformation, and you must feel invested for that to happen.

And because you’re getting lifetime access to the program today, you can rest easy knowing that there’s no ‘time limit’ on when you need to start or finish each course. However, you can repeat the course again and again for many years, so you’ll have abundant opportunities to extract immense value from your investment.

It’s all yours, forever.

And I pray that it benefits you, forever.

The Happy Money Policy

I only want to receive money that you feel wonderful about investing. Before making the payment, make a firm intention to infuse the money with an abundance of love, appreciation and gratitude for what you’re about to receive. With this intention and prayer, I firmly believe that your money and your investment will be blessed.

I appreciate you for investing in me and my courses, and I pray that your wealth and money are divinely blessed, that you receive at least 10x the value you expect, and that it is all returned to you in multitudes.

What Our Clients Are Saying...

“Life Changing From So Many Angles!”

The benefit received from learning about the The Spiritual Switch isn’t easy to put into words. 

It has been life changing from so many angles. From my interactions at work, my attitudes towards people and how I communicate, particularly with family. It has acted as a launchpad to continuous self improvement from both religious and ‘non religious’ perspectives.

By no means do I claim  it ‘fixed ‘ me but it’s become clearer the more I learnt that is not and was never the point. I’m not broken!

The humanity in myself and others is what has come to the fore and for that I will always be grateful to Mamoon and the team and pray for your continued success. 

– Soban Bashir

“I Achieved My Biggest Goal - To Complete Memorising The Quran”

Asslaam Alaikum Mamoon,

A few years ago I did the course with you.

Alhamdulilah I achieved my biggest goal a few days ago in front of the Kabba which was to complete memorising the Quran. The feeling was unreal. I haven’t shared it with many people as the road of revising is now the new goal.

Thank you for allowing me to understand that your goals are not attached to feelings and the feeling of that moment depends on the thoughts you will have when you achieve it and not when you set the goal or work towards achieving it.

Jazakallah for the advice you gave me.

– Fatima Khalil

“Before Your Training, I was planning to divorce my husband…”

On my way to your event, I was planning on how to tell my husband that I want a divorce. I never expected that The Spiritual Switch would have such a huge impact on my thinking and my life. We’re still happily married, many years later because of the training.

– Gazala

“Now I Understand 100% Of The Quran In Arabic, And I Can Feel The Spirit Of Ibaada”

I used to love the Quran and respect it even though I couldn’t understand a word of it. For over 20 years, I prayed five times a day and didn’t know what I was saying – I just did it as a ritual.

Now I understand what I read, and there is a totally different feel to Quran and Salah – It’s fun, and enjoyable to pray now because I know exactly what I am saying to Allah (swt) and my heart is effected in a way I never felt before.

Alhamdulillah, now that I understand 100% of the Quran, I want to read it more and more and the positive changes in my life have been phenomenal. I am more positive, happier, and think I’ve found the spirit of ibaada.

I use to hear our elders talking about suhaba may Allah be pleased with them and other people in Prophet’s (pbuh) time that Quran effected them differently. Now I know it’s because they understood it while most of us don’t – thats why we can’t connect to Quran on the same level as them.

– Tasneem Mir, Mother of Four, London UK

“No Longer Am I Bogged Down. I'm Much Happier.”

I came across the Instant Ihsan course by sheer accident which I know now this wasn’t the case. Allah guided me towards it. I was going through a very rough patch with the ill health of my mother. The course taught me a few techniques to deal with this. I have changed as a person. No longer am I bogged down with ‘What if this happens’ to dealing with actual events. I have become more aware of people and circumstances around me. I no longer have a questionable idea but a master plan which I am currently working on. Overall I am much happier and my sister has commented on this also. I thought I was a well rounded individual before participating on this course, but having done the course it proved how wrong I was. Mamoon a massive massive Jazakha’Allahu khairon for opening my eyes to the way of Instant Ihsan.

– Zahra Baharun

“I Feel Peaceful and Joyful. My Son Is So Much Happier, Mashallah”

Before I started the programme, I was quite often having stressful days as a single mum of a demanding toddler. I had watched my innocent child appear to be suffering from the pain of his parents split. He had started lashing out, was defiant, intensely clingy and generally acting out of character.

Alhamdulillah since getting into the course, we have had transformations plural in our household. I feel peaceful and joyful most of the time. The wonderful news is that this profound change has been almost contagious in that my son is so much happier mashallah than he was before I started the programme. Alhamdulillah I have my happy little boy back and there is no greater gift that anyone could have given me than that.

I had been in two minds about doing the program because as a busy single mum, I had very limited time to invest into it and given my situation, was uncertain that it would offer me much benefit… but the results of gaining this understanding, just in this short time, have been priceless.

– S.Q. (Instant Ihsan Student)

Before the event, my thoughts were constantly negative. At Inside The Soul of Islam, I learned that only our thoughts can make anything be real for us. My favorite part was the coaching sessions, they made Mamoon's teachings come alive.  

Roomana H Songerwala

“I’ve Spent Years In Personal Development & I Thought I Had Tried EVERYTHING To Let Go Of Insecure Thinking… Until I Discovered THIS…”

– Tiamo De Vettori

“Before the Paradigm Shift I used to worry so much about public speaking – now I just do it without worrying…!”

Mary Strange

“I Struggled For 20 Years In Islam, Until I Came Across This…”

Listening to module 5 of effortless transformation today was really the next thing I was desperately searching for my whole life, that true happiness can only be from within. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your perseverance dedication and commitment to this learning and teaching. I struggled for 20 years in Islam getting further and further from my fitra until i came across The Spiritual Switch.

– Halima Janine Allison Hood

“Waking Up Without An Alarm Clock & Being Very Productive At Work…”

I would like to update you with the following insights I've been experiencing…

  • Waking up for fajr without an alarm clock
  • Feeling free from the inside - something lifted off my shoulders
  • Been very productive at work
  • When I'm making wudu, I actually feel I'm washing away my sins before performing salah

Alhamdulillah for all of the above!


“I Pray Tahajjud & Have A Daily Relationship With The Quran…”

Everything has changed! Now I have a daily relationship with the Quran, I pray Tahajjud, emotional eating is gone, my relationships are better - and I'm making money doing what I love in my business.


“It's Given Me a Sense of Freedom. I Can Actually Relax Without Thinking About My To-Do List…”

Before implementing the course, my mornings were less structured and my days felt more hectic. I also wasn't able to have as much presence of mind as I wanted to, particularly in the mornings when I wanted to focus on prayer and other more spiritual activities.

Now that I've implemented the course, I have a consistent routine in the morning that I don't even have to think about. It allows me to immediately focus on the most important things to me like prayer, without worrying about what the rest of my day looks like. My days don't feel hectic anymore. As soon as I started implementing it, my performance and efficiency at work shot up, and my colleagues definitely noticed!

Having these systems mean that I can go through my day more in a state of flow rather than constantly trying to work out what to do next. It has given me a sense of freedom because it created space both mentally and practically to work on goals I didn't think I had time for before. It also means that when I want to relax, I can actually relax without thinking about my to-do list.


I wanted to thank you for having faith that I would meet someone when I had lost hope myself; I think that was a crucial part of the journey to getting where I am now.

Fatima (now married, masah’Allah)

“My Relationship With My Husband & My Kids is the Best it's Ever Been”

Before I joined, I was literally like I don't think this is going to work out. I was going to walk away. There was a betrayal of trust in my eyes. There was no communication around it.

One of the biggest results after working with Mamoon is my relationship with my husband is the best it's ever been. My relationship with my kids, all 3 of them, is the best it's ever been. I have reached that effortless relationship with them.

I would recommend Mamoon's program 100%. Because it's hard doing it all alone. If you do want to change, if you do actually want to make your life easier and achieve the goals you have, then you definitely need this. Everybody needs this. I don't even want to think about where I would be now if I hadn't gotten the help I needed at the time.

Safia Haque, Housewife

"It Only Took 1 Session To Transform My Psychology...!"

Today was my first session with you. And as I already stated in the class, it only took you 1 session to transform my psychology.

I pray that this new understanding sinks in deeper, leaving me permanently out of my ego, always conscious of Divine Presence. Allah SWT choose you for this opening. And I pray He continues to elevate you closer to Him.

Looking forward to our next class!

– Fatima

"Instant Results In Your Love Life..."

If you want to bring about change and instant results in your love life in as little as a few weeks then this coaching program is for you.

– Safiya (now married, masah’Allah)

“The journey with you was a total transforming time - I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

I remember how I initially lost my breath at how much I was paying for it - but having done it - it was worth the money. It was indicative of the value inherent in what you showed me. It gave me my first real taste of real safety. That life WASNT bad and dangerous around every corner.

Im happy to report that the unbelievable beginning of a total and real transformation with you - has gone on to reveal my true SELF. Thrilled at the nature of this journey. I actually have truly come HOME. I remember so clearly the conversations I had with you around this topic. I am home - always have been. Knowing it, though, and where it is, has become a whole new discovery process. Thrilling.

– Julee Bergstrom

“This Was One of the Best Decisions of My Life – Alhamdulillah”

Every year I feel that I have a productive Ramadan and have the best of intentions to carry on reading the Quran throughout the year and then never manage to maintain it.

This year, since your program, I have continued daily and all I want to do is study all day. Even my kids are saying I've changed as I try to find a healthy balance :)

– Sister Nabeelah

“Now I Can Hear Allah Speaking To Me Directly, Not Through A Translator…”

Before I started Mamoon’s Quran For Busy People program, I thought I was trying my best, and maybe I was. But it wasn’t until after that I realized how detached I was from the true religion. I now realize how uncertain about my religion I was back then, because I didn’t really know the Quran.

Alhamdulillah, now I can understand the vast majority of the Quran – there are just a few words here and there that I need to learn and that is what I am currently doing.

I feel I’m moving closer to Allah, hearing Allah speak to me with my own ears and not through a translator. I feel honored, unique and grateful that Allah has allowed to move closer to him… Now I feel like I’m a chosen one. The prophet peace be upon him said, whomever Allah loves he gives them understanding of the religion.

– Lizzamah Akinlade, Student, London UK

“I’m More Present-Minded, Comfortable & Conscious of Allah…”

The “Instant Ihsan” program by the grace of Allah enables me to be more present-minded, comfortable, self-disciplined, conscious of Allah & everything else promised, and… it enables me to not be affected negatively by my or others’ circumstances, it has increase my personal wisdom, and empowered me to learn & act more effectively, & gain wisdom from the following hadith: “Amazing is the affair of the believer, verily all of his affairs are good and this is for no one except the believer. If something of good/happiness befalls him he is grateful and that is good for him. If something of harm befalls him he is patient and that is good for him.”

– Feyaz Narine

“This Was A Turning Point In My Life – My Fears Vanished & I Completely Changed My Thinking”

I was in a situation in my personal life that I felt  was making me really unhappy and was surrounded by negative people. This went on for years but soon after Ramadan I started to feel very different. I started to feel very spiritual as well. I felt my fears vanish and realised I had created all these limitations in my life. I have completely changed my thinking and I do believe your videos had a huge impact on my journey.


“I Want to Share This Life-Changing Experience with Everyone Who is Willing to Listen…”

I wanted to know how to bring more Ihsaan into my life and how to live in harmony with my past. I learned that I am not damaged by my past experiences and I can live a life of being kind to myself and others around me. My favourite part was watching people being coached and having life changing insights. I want to share this experience with everyone who is willing to listen and put in the effort to attend, Insha'Allah. If you're thinking about attending Mamoon's event, I want you to know your life will definitely change. Take the opportunity as Allah has introduced you to this for a reason.

Safia Haque, UK

“The Change Happened Automatically And Effortlessly”

I was able to make peace with past relationships and move on thanks to Mamoon's uniquely non-judgemental Inside-Out approach...

Fatima Raza

“Just Lost 1Kg of Fat And Eliminated Binging On Junk Food”


“I used to wake up at 5am to do affirmations & gratitude lists – I don’t need to do that to feel better any more. Since the Paradigm Shift, my life has been changing effortlessly.”

Sandie Martel

"I Lost 20 Kilograms In 6 Months"

Through patience and perseverance, I managed to lose 20 kilograms over a period of 6 months, alhumdolillah. Overall, my eating habits have changed. I still have the odd day when I eat not so good food, but generally I am sticking to this and have maintained my weight. Another important and highly beneficial habit that I have formed is that I am still continuing to keep the sunnah fasts. Jazakhallah khairun for opening my eyes to this may Allah reward you for your efforts.

Gul Israeel

“The First Time I’ve Ever Had A Totally Guilt-Free Week!”

Woah – when you said “If you’re praying to get good feelings, you’re not really praying to Allah – but to your own nafs, that changed everything. I completely let go of guilt of not praying, and quit beating myself up so much in my head… quietened my thoughts down – and had a totally guilt-free week!


“I Actually Enjoy Reading The Quran & Praying Fajr Now…”

Reading the Quran & praying doesn’t feel like a must or a should anymore. It's not something I have to do but want to do. I want to pick up the Quran and read but don’t feel guilty when I don’t. It's a joy and pleasure to read. I actually ENJOY reading the Quran & praying. I feel so empowered!!! I feel blessed.


“I Didn't Imagine Things Could Be This Quick and Easy!”

As a morning person I always had some sort of structure but wanted to know why I felt so rushed and overwhelmed. Why was it that even having woken up at 6am I was still feeling as though I've missed something?!

After experiencing The Spiritual Switch, I decided to sit down and map out a structure that worked for me. After experimenting and trialling a routine, I am not so rushed and leave home not worrying that I've missed something important.

Now I’m much more lighter and freer. Everything has its time and place. The moment I remember something I need to do, it goes on the app/calender. And I never have to worry about it ever again or until I hear the phone beeps to remind me. I didn't imagine things could be this quick and easy!


“My Day Has Already Been a Success at 8am, And Everything Else Just Flows”

I had very scattered mornings. Either waking up for prayer and then straight to work or back to sleep before work. Always struggling to find time for Quran or adkhars and feeling frustrated that I couldn’t find the time for these important things.

Now I wake at 5:30, praying Tahajjud ( in the winter), stretching, going to the masjid for Fajr, reading Quran and studying Arabic. All before 8 in the morning. In my mind the day has already been a success at 8am, and so everything else just flows. I feel super productive, and feel like I’m honouring my spiritual side which fuels my duniyah side.

– DK

“This Will Change Your Life Beyond What You Think is Possible…”

We were actually going through a separation and divorce... We'd gone for therapy and tried other methods because we'd been having trouble for many years. Just having trouble communicating and being upset with each other, and just feeling like we're stuck.

What I thought I was going to get was just a better way of managing my life and my thoughts and feelings. But Mamoon has really changed the way I connect to myself, to my spirituality, to everything in the external world.

We've had disagreements since we've gotten back together. We've had days where things weren't going the right way. In the past, those would have triggered weeks and weeks of not talking to each other and being upset with each other. But we wouldn't talk about it. And now we take a moment for ourselves, and then we just talk about, see how we're feeling, and then it's over.

Working with Mamoon will change your life beyond what you think is possible. Last year when I considered the changes that I wanted, I thought this would take years. But this really has transformed my life beyond what I thought was possible in a year.

– Serene Shereef, Neurosurgeon

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Is This Just Another One Of Those "Get Pumped Up Now, Feel Let Down Later" Things...?

Unlike other personal development programs, where you get ‘pumped up’ for a couple of days and then go back to your ‘normal’ life, struggling to implement (and even remember) what you learned, “The Spiritual Switch” is different.

Our aim is for you to undergo a true transformation during our 90 day coaching program - one that will stay with you forever. Because this internal ‘switch’ takes place, the external changes you want to achieve become practically inevitable for you.

The Spiritual Switch results in benefits that keep showing up weeks, months & even years after you go through the experience. In fact, I’m still feeling the benefits of it today, even though I discovered The Spiritual Switch over a decade ago!

That’s because when you realize the role your mind plays in creating your experience, you start to see life in a new, inspiring, uplifting way… and you can’t really go back after that.

Life seems to just keep getting better and better – that’s probably why so many people are still blown away by The Spiritual Switch many years after they went through it, as you can see from the success stories above.

In short, this coaching program is the most valuable gift I could possibly give you. 

My prayer for you is that you make the wise decision to invest in yourself, discover the power of ‘The Spiritual Switch’ for yourself, and receive all the abundant blessings and benefits it can bring you.

Peace, Love & Blessings.

P.S. Here's a quick recap:

This coaching program guides you to the inner ‘switch’ that deepens your connection with Allah, turns you into the best version of yourself and improves all your family relationships.

When you order now, here's everything you'll receive access to, just minutes from this very moment…

  • The Spiritual Switch - Instant & Lifetime Access To The Full 12 Module, 90 Day Training & Coaching Program [Value: £1,002]

  • 90 Days Of Personal Video Coaching With Mamoon [Value: £1,500]

  • Instant Ihsan - Lifetime Access To The Original Version recorded in 2012 and the soon-to-be released update [Value: £1,000]

  • 90 Days Of The Switch Mastermind - the high-end group coaching program with live Q & A and Laser Coaching from Mamoon [Value: £1,500]

  • Quran For Busy People - The 10 Step Plan To Connect With Allah And Achieve All Your Quran Goals [Value: £297]

All together, that's a total value of £5,299…

…yours today for a tiny fraction of the regular investment — just £313 today, or £1002 when you do a full-pay.

This offer will END VERY SOON without notice so choose a plan below to get access now. 

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