Free ONLINE WORKSHOP replay: available now

The Conscious Marriage Workshop:

Turn Your Marriage Into A Spiritual Practice, Peacefully Resolve Challenging Conflicts, 

And Deepen The Love You Feel For Each Other - Every Day...

Relationships can be tough. And marriage can seem like the hardest place to practice being loving, forgiving and kind. Sometimes it feels like they don’t deserve it. The prophetic encouragement to have ‘the best character and be the kindest to your families’ can seem like nothing more than a platitude.

In this powerful online masterclass, you’ll discover a truth about love and marriage that has saved countless couples from divorce and filled many homes with a level of love and joy they never thought was possible.

You’ll leave the workshop knowing…

  • Why most couples divorce and how to bring the joy, love & happiness back into even the most challenging marriages
  • Deeply Loving Relationships - the insight that has saved countless couples from divorce - often in only one session - and how you can rekindle the spark in your relationship to create lasting love
  • What the Psychological Switch is… and how this one insightful ‘change of heart’ can transform your marriage
  • The "Ultimate Nafs Trap" that’s been sabotaging our marriages and how it’s been preventing you from living ‘happily ever after’
  • The Inner Salam Method - a simple technique to get yourself into the Conflict Resolution Mindset so instead of making things worse during an argument, you go into peaceful, harmonious re-connection
  • The Communication Secret that takes the emotional ‘sting’ out of conflicts and turns you into a team that can handle any challenge together
  • How Prayer Improves Your Love Life - how your spiritual connection with Allah affects your marriage and the tell-tale sign that your spiritual practices aren’t working in real-life (and how to instantly fix it)
  • And much, much more…

Hi, I'm Mamoon Yusaf

Best-selling author of "Inside the Soul of Islam", relationship coach, and founder of "The Psychological Switch".

This masterclass reveals 7 love-life changing insights that my clients and I have benefitted from over the last decade, which lead to a loving and drama-free marriage — one that deepens your love for each other and your spiritual connection with Allah.

Without these insights, you're left feeling overwhelmed and worrying that you're stuck in a love-less marriage that seems to be going nowhere.  

With them, you feel energized and inspired, like you're living your best life with your optimal partner and making the most of the divinely blessed, spiritual union of marriage.

I pray that this online workshop is immensely beneficial for you and your partner and that it brings you closer together, forever, insha'Allah.

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